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Time to escape the rat race


A study last month of 5,000 workers concluded that self-employed people are more successful in their careers and felt happier in their job. * So why don’t more people do it? Is it fear, financial pressures or the lack of know-how?

As a successful consultant myself I can say that its a combination of the above, but with planning and passion, you can free yourself and it doesn’t have to be high risk or a fancy idea. Becoming a consultant can be a simple way to create the life you want by selling what you already do well, on terms that suit you.

I used my expert skills and knowledge having worked in communications, PR and marketing for well over a decade to become a consultant. You too, can enjoy a rewarding career, financial success and that important work life balance by taking this route and using the skills you have.

I  felt  trapped and depressed in the past in my  9-5 job which is why I decided to set up my own consultancy with just £100.  Five years on, I have no regrets, I enjoy the empowerment and challenge of working for myself, and  I’m much more happy.


I am keen to share my insights and experience with other people seeking to escape the rat race. My new book ‘How To Become A Consultant: A Guide To Free Yourself From the 9-5’ is a no-nonsense guide which gives practical advice on how to set yourself up as consultant and establish a work routine that fits in with your ideals and lifestyle.

The book covers all aspects of becoming a consultant from identifying your niche and registering yourself as self-employed to planning, establishing your fees and promoting your business.

I share practical information to guide you through the process and as well as insight into my own journey so you can avoid the pitfalls and succeed in your venture!

How to Become a Consultant is the essential guide for anyone who wants to become a consultant.

Available on Amazon, iBook, Google, Barnes & Noble and other online platforms – links below.

To order the paperback copy click here

for ebook version click here if you have a kindle

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