National freelancers day conference 2019

Did you attend the IPSE national freelancers day conference? it was a good day filled with lots of informative sessions, including one I did on how you can set and raise your fees as a freelancers. Check out my brief overview.

How to be a successful consultant – earn more & escape the 9-5 online course now available

If you’re fed up of the 9-5 working life or feeling stuck in your job, or maybe you want to get paid for what you’re truly passionate about! A great exit plan is to become a consultant! As a consultant, you are your own boss and therefore you have more control over who you work with and importantly when and where you work.

If you’re serious about becoming a  freelance consultant you should ask yourself why? knowing your reason why will help to focus your mind and help drive you forward. Are you thinking of freelancing for work-life balance, to spend more time doing other things you love, or is it because you’re peed off with your boss?

I’ve been in the peed off position –dealing with depression due to my employer being unreasonable around childcare. I wanted out for my sanity and so handed in my notice without a job but I did have a plan!

I’ve been freelancing since 2013 and thoroughly enjoy it, yes it has its up and downs, but the ups out weight the downs for me.

If you’d like to know more check out this online course where I share my insight and provide guidance on setting up and building a sustainable career. A bargain at just £19.99. click on the link below to sign up.