PR tips: What does your brand say?

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Branding Clarity – are you giving out the right message?

If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur you’ll know that your brand reputation is super important and vital for your survival. You may have a fantastic product or service offering but if no one knows about it, or understands why you do what you do, then it defeats the purpose.

Informative and well-placed PR content can seriously help to generate leads, traffic and conversions for your business.  But what does your content say about your brand? And crucially is the brand messaging resonating with your target customer base.  I’ve spoken with lots of business owners who struggle with this, particularly in the early start-up stages, there’s lots to juggle and it can feel overwhelming. But it’s not as complicated as you may think.

I always advise taking each task step by step, so when it comes to branding you want customers to easily identify and understand what your brand is about. That means ensuring that your messaging is consistent across your channels and relevant platforms.   If you’re not sure asking yourself these eight questions may help things become clearer.

  1. What does my brand stand for? What sets me apart from my competitors?
  2. What does my brand say to customers?
  3. Is my message landing with my target audience, do they immediately understand what my business is about?
  4. Does my website reflect my brand messaging and what’s working well and resonating with my audience? – check stats
  5. Is my branding tied in – Does my marketing materials and social media platforms communicate my brand messaging? Is it clear concise and to the point?
  6. Is my website clear, do my customers understand my brand and my business or are they confused because i have so much on offer?
  7. What feedback am I getting from customers and social groups (if applicable) e.g. Facebook group do they understand what your brand stands for?
  8. What’s working well on my website – check stats and see what pages or blog stories are most popular.



Ensuring that your messaging is clear, relevant and concise is the aim, so why not review and refresh to make sure it’s all on message! Don’t forget to be aware of the tone of messaging, you’d be surprised at how many people can misconstrue a message because of how they took the tone, delivery and presentation can make or break your business.


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Branding..whats your story

There are many definitions for Branding, simply put, branding is essential, it’s what differentiates your product or service from the rest. It’s not only about packaging, and logo’s it’s about your company story, your company promise to your consumers of what they can expect from you. It is what separates you from your competitors. The way you communicate to your consumers, the marketing and PR you undertake all help in delivering and defining your brand.

There are plenty of resources online that offer great advice, so rather than reinvent the wheel here are some helpful links.

Here is a helpful article that gives you an overview of branding from Marketing Donut.

Another helpful article from Virgin on brand mistakes entrepreneurs must avoid.


For the more visual here is a help video on YouTube