8 signs that you need to change careers and kiss your 9-5 goodbye

Remaining in a job you hate is more common than you realise, even if you’re high up the corporate ladder. This is something I identified with, that was, until I left my comfortable management position to become my own boss and freed myself from the 9-5.

Before I took the leap, I had to re-evaluate myself. I wanted to make a career change but to be honest, I was a bit scared to step-up. I soon realised that I was getting in my own way of progression – why? Because of the types of conversation I was having with myself. We can often be dismissive and quick to diminish our own self-worth.

How many times have you talked yourself out of opportunities? How many times have you told yourself you are not good enough or just lacked self-belief to go for what you really want in life? Don’t deprive yourself of your goals and aspirations any longer, it’s ok to be different and do things your way.


If you are at a careers cross road, no matter where you are in the corporate chain, here are eight signs you need to say goodbye to your 9-5.

1. You’re unhappy on a daily basis – Everyday feels like blue Monday and Friday is the best day of the week because it’s the last. You hate being at your job and you are only there because you have to pay your bills. You live for the weekends and holidays and dread when Monday rolls around.

To read the rest of the key signs I flag in this article I wrote for Real Business click here.